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An important driving force for the transformation and upgrading of the automation industry


        China's equipment manufacturing industry has entered a new historical development stage. In the ten years since the new century, China's equipment manufacturing industry has grown at an average annual growth rate of 25%. The speed has continued to slump, and has entered a mid-to-high-speed growth stage with transformation and upgrading as its main theme. At this stage, we believe that the entire equipment manufacturing industry has several outstanding problems. First, the quality and efficiency are not high. The quality is mainly reflected in the reliability and consistency. The low efficiency is reflected in the added value of only about 25%. 6% ~ 8% lower than in developed countries. Our labor productivity is only 1/7 of the United States and 1/5 of Japan. Second, the integration of the two industries is not enough, and the integration of industrialization and information technology in the manufacturing field is too low. Third, Shortage of labor resources; Fourth, the low-end products.

Looking at the countries and regions following the development of the world, in the critical period of rising labor costs, increasing trade frictions, currency appreciation and industrial transformation and upgrading, we have taken countermeasures. One of the very important paths is to improve the level of industrial automation. For example, in the 1970s, Japan enacted the Law on Temporary Measures to Promote Certain Electronic Industries and Certain Machinery Industries, established the Association for the Promotion of Automation, and promoted the industry to increase productivity and quality control, mainly through the Ministry of International Trade and Industry. Establish a leasing company to encourage large-scale application of CNC machine tools and robots through financial and other means. For another example, in the 1980s, Taiwan, China respectively formulated the Production Automation Implementation Plan and the Industrial Automation Plan. Through the implementation of automated campaigns, product quality and benefits have been greatly improved. According to the Taiwan Autonomous Survey in 1993, the average defective rate of manufacturing enterprises newly adopting automated production equipment decreased by 19.16%. From 1986 to 1991, the output value quality index of the rubber products industry and the transportation industry increased by 15% to 30%. Due to the adoption of automation, these countries and regions have quickly realized industrial transformation and upgrading, ensuring healthy and stable economic growth.

At present, the penetration rate of industrial robots in China is very low, which is reflected in several aspects. The first is the low level of automation in the equipment manufacturing process. The automation rate of the production process is only 13%, which is the lowest among all modules, which severely limits the production process Informatization of the industrial chain and other links. Secondly, the level of automation is lower than in developed countries and regions. The level of automation in China now is lower than the level in Taiwan in 1995, which is comparable to that of the United States in 1993 and Japan. In addition, the low degree of automation of the production process has become the bottleneck of the integration of the two industries. One of the bottlenecks in the integration of the two industries lies in the traditional manufacturing, not in the information industry. It is not how powerful technical software can be combined with mechanization. It is precisely because there is too much missing in the traditional manufacturing industry, resulting in the integration of the two industries Did not achieve the desired effect.

From the perspective of industrial scale and product form, China seems to have entered the middle and late stages of industrialization, and some even claim that it is transitioning from the post-industrial era to the era of knowledge networks. However, judging from the level of automation of production tools and the standard of independent innovation capabilities, China's industrialization is still in the middle and early stages, and it is still far from the era of knowledge networks. The whole industry is in the process of developing towards single machine automation and unit automation, far from reaching the stage of automated factories. In the case of industrialization that has not yet been completed in China, we hope to use information technology to drive across the automation stage and directly from the mechanization to the intelligent stage. We have encountered many insurmountable difficulties. Therefore, we say that automation is the bridge and inevitable path for the integration of the two industries. It is the cornerstone of the integration of the two industries. Without automation of production tools, it is impossible to enter a new stage of the integration of the two industries.

In the next few years, if China wants to achieve the deep integration of the two industries, it must seize the key factor of improving the level of automation in traditional industries. Performance analysis, welding management, engineering graphics, product configuration management, product change management, engineering cost analysis and other automated research. Make great efforts to improve the technical level of the automation field and service capabilities applicable to Chinese industrial characteristics, vigorously carry out automation product application and popularization plans, and guide and support the development of automation applications through fiscal, tax, and other policies.

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